Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Painting Project part 2: Constellation edition.

So, for the actual project part of this unit, we were assigned to draw up some of favorite constellations.
Here are the ones I made and a short description of what they were about.
 This is Cetus the sea monster. It was believed that Cetus was trying to eat Andromeda, and that Perseus would come and save her. Today, Cetus is often depicted as a whale, as some say was the original intention of this shape.
 Columba is the dove that informed Noah of the end of the Great Flood. Overall, I think my sketch of this one turned out best of the three.
 Pavo is named after the original peacock from Greek legend. According to the story, Hermes killed a 100 eyed giant by the name of Argus. When Argus died, Hera put a lot of its eyes on a peacock.

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