Thursday, September 30, 2010

My first couple of projects in my Digital Imaging class

I was recently assigned to create a few mythical  creatures in Photoshop. My choices were based off of creatures created in modern fiction. I know we're all nerds here and perfectly familiar with the source material, but as part of the assignment, I was asked to upload them somewhere and give a description.
The Zora, of Legend of Zelda fame, is a creature that is essentially a fish-person.  They come in two very distinct varieties: the River Zora, and the Sea Zora. Pictured above are two Sea Zoras, the friendlier race. The image above shows both the legendary game designer and creator of Zelda, Shigeru Miyamoto, and some dude playing the guitar of Mikau, a famous Zora guitar player.

The Decapodian is an alien species from the Futurama universe. They dwell on the planet Decapod 10, and in essence, are humanoid lobsters with squid-like
tentacles over their mouth and do not have a nose. Above is Futurama creator Matt Groening depicted as a Decapodian.

I am aware that my 'shop skills need a lot of work, but I hope you at least enjoy the concept. Making these images was very enjoyable and I can't wait to see what I make next in this class.